Future Bacon became an unlikely artist, a pig who defied expectations to create beautiful masterpieces with her snout.

Ca: soon

pigcasso with painting named “love”


the Painting Pig

This talented pig (weighing in at about 700kg) has been using art supplies from The Deckle Edge in her masterpieces for several years. She uses non-toxic acrylic paints on cotton paper, and specially modified brushes adapted for her unique painting style. We are so proud and happy to play a small role in this important and ground-breaking work!




Our Story

Joanne Lefson saved her from the slaughterhouse and brought her home to the Farm Sanctuary SA. The sanctuary is a haven for rescued livestock and is now home to the famous pig’s painting studio. It is located in the town of Franschhoek. Her colourful abstract paintings have been sold for thousands of dollars, all in the name of the sanctuary.

Pıgcasso paıntıng “FREE AS A BIRD”